Sunday, December 06, 2009

December, Already?

So my last rant was about how I disliked the gray and barrenness of November. Somehow that month just blew right by. I like any month that gives me a few days off. Thanksgiving was great! My mother was here and we had a great visit. The dinner was delicious and the company was fine. I just froze the last of the turkey soup because we're a bit sick of it. I'll appreciate it in January! Now that December is here, do I have anything to complain about? Well, not until yesterday. We had three inches of snow. I wasn't mentally prepared for it. We had a few days of unusually warm weather and then BAM! Snow! Good thing my mother left on the 2nd! The poor woman had to go back to temperatures in the 80's. SIGH!

Here are some pictures of what the first snowfall of this season looks like. Shadow, the wonder poodle, liked the snow very much. He came in with a white beard!

I think it's time for a cup of tea!

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