Sunday, July 22, 2018

One Year and Three Weeks

I have been retired for 386 days.
It's life changing.
Sometimes I can't believe it but it's true.
Pinch me, I'm dreaming.

I smile for no particular reason. I don't feel the grips of stress from when I was working or even now because I would have to go back to work. I now consider myself a work-in-progress. I have time to volunteer for things without resenting the time it took away from me. It makes a big difference. I'm trying to be a better person by helping others when in the past I wouldn't because of the time factor. Sometimes I think I have too much time but I am learning to deal with it.

Just checking in.
Loving this new life.
Taking time for me and everyone else.
Time is on my side.


Merry Karma said...

Hi Robin! I'm glad you're happy and are enjoying your retirement. It's good to "see you." xoxo /mk

Robin said...

Thanks. I sort of forgot about this blog. Now I want to try to post weekly! Hope all is well with you!