Saturday, March 30, 2013

No Memory

Last week I wrote a whole blog about how I'm going to use my knitting to help me lose weight. Well, how did I do? It's like I never even wrote the blog! I completely forgot to knit my half an hour a day to prevent me from doing my after work munch out. In fact, I did very little knitting! Why? Because I didn't make it a priority which in turn means that I didn't make myself a priority! My job has become very stressful. When I get stressed out, what do I like to do? Eating is high on the list of activities. My second choice would be to sleep. There's nothing like lying down, closing one's eyes and just drift off. When one wakes up, it's as if my brain got reorganized and I can cope a lot better. (Sleep deprivation probably adds to my stress because this hipknitta does not get enough sleep. This is something I definitely have to work on!) While at work, I was talking to a woman who I know exercises. She told me that exercising is her release especially when she is stressed. She plans her whole day around going to the gym. That concept sounds great but it is so foreign to me. How many times have I canceled plans for myself to do something for one of my boys or my husband? Yes, I am a total stereotype of putting everyone's needs ahead of my own. I have to become more conscious about it and make me the main priority. Happy mom...happy family.

Getting back to knitting...when I am knitting it's as if I am getting a rush of endorphins through my brain. My mind starts to wonder and conjure up these interesting thoughts and images. I truly get lost in my own world. I know this is something runners get when they are working out. I wish I could run and knit. My doctor would love to see that! I don't eat when I knit. I do drink tea, water or seltzer but I do not eat. See? If I come home from a stressful day, ideally I should make myself a cup of green tea and knit for a half hour. I have done this twice. It works. I also noticed that when I am involved in cooking a meal, I don't eat while I am cooking. It works. But since this blog is about knitting, if you could sit and knit for a half hour after work, do it. It will be good for your mind, good for your weight and it will deplete your stash so you can buy more yarn!

Now how about some music? I am a big fan of live radio. I have satellite radio in my car but not in my house. That's okay. I like hearing a live DJ between the songs. When I'm in a radio mood, I listen to a rock station that plays a lot of new music. First by knitting, I find myself knitting along with the beat of the music. The faster the music, the faster I knit. Also, when a new song comes on, I actually sit and listen to it. If I was in my car, I would switch stations until the song was over. I like to think that I'm helping the music industry this way. Now it's not all rock for this hipknitta. I also love jazz and classical. Since we don't have a jazz station in this area anymore, I pop in 5 CD's and just groove my way through my project. It really sets up a nice atmosphere. I get lost in the music and in my knitting. I'll try to list some individual songs when I remember them. Go back to the title of this post: No Memory.

Next post: Guess who went back to Weight Watchers...

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