Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. A new year signifies new beginnings. Another chance to get something right. A signal to improve oneself. Or just happy new year. The news is full of ways for us to keep the resolutions we make. I haven't made any but seeing the news reports got me thinking. What can I do differently this year? There are obvious ones like losing weight and exercising more. But to be able to stick to my resolutions I have to be more specific. So here's some specifics:
1)I will lose 10 pounds by March
2)I will walk three times a week BUT if we get an exercise bike (for Elijah) then that will count as well resolutions are out of the way. Easy to write, harder to keep but I will try. No wait. I will do it Using the word "try" means just that. You will try but it doesn't necessarily mean you will be successful. I want to be successful.

Now for the creative part of this resolution thing: I am happiest when I am doing something with my hands, mind and eyes. Sometimes at work I think about knitting and I get happy. Happiness sparks my creativity and being more
creative makes me happy. It's a wonderful loop to be in. I want to be in it forever! It makes me less bitchy. I'm easier to live with. I laugh more easily. You get the message, right? So here's some creatively-slanted resolutions which are subject to change:
1)I will do something creative at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
2)I will design my first shawl/shawlette and post it on Ravelry (no timeframe on this one but I will do it by the end of the year)
3)I will research, pick people's brains and step out of my comfort zone to sell my creations.
4)I will read more books (not just on vacations) and write more blog posts (at least twice a month)
5)I will keep my eyes and mind opened.

Hey, I like these resolutions. I believe this will make me smile more which means feeling happier which means it lights up parts of my brain and makes me feel alive.

Happy New Year!
Here's some previous results of my creativity!