This hipknitta does not spend her whole day knitting. I do get out and do things. Sunday was one of those days. Neal and I met his brother, Roy, and his wife, Vicki in a small river town over the TZ Bridge. We never get to see each other because we are two hours away from each other and it is a big trip. They have a dog and we have a dog. These doggie cousins are not meant to be together so unless we both have someone to walk the dog while visiting, we're not going to get together too quickly. We had a delicious brunch and caught up on each other's lives. They went to Hawaii and the pictures were unbelievable. We've been to Hawaii and it always amazes me how beautiful that state is. I mean, I still have to remind myself that it is a part of the United States. After everything, we walked around and saw this dog across the street. We walked over to Knuckles. That was his name. He weighed 180 pounds and had paws bigger than my dog's head! His tongue could be the new logo for the Rolling Stones. He was a Boerbel, a bull mastiff that originated in South Africa. These dogs guarded the farms of the Boers. Get it, Boer-bel?
Ladies and Gentlemen: Here's Knuckles!