Friday, February 26, 2010

More Snow Pictures!

The view of our deck.

Shadow in the Snow!

Did you ever hear Sting's song "Shadows in the Rain"? Well, here's my version called "Shadow in the Snow". I know, corny but tough. Here's Shadow greeting his long-legged girlfriend, Lucy.
Shadow is on the trail for something.

Who's Tired of Snow? I am! I am!

We had a major snowstorm and it left tons of snow in it's wake. Here are some pictures of our day and our neighborhood!
Here's Neal looking very happy! I don't know why because he has to clean off all of that snow!

Here's a view of our cul-de-sac with Elijah's friend walking down the road.

Our house with a newly shoveled path that was covered again in less than an hour.

Looking down the road. Little did we know that there were roads closed due to trees down.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Catching Up with Depeche Mode...Only Kidding. It's Me!

My, my, my. How time flies when one is busy! I can't believe that it's the middle of February and I haven't blogged. Where have I been? What's been happening? Do you really want to know?

January was a tense time with Ben taking midterms and needing constant prodding to study. It truly sucks when your mother is a teacher. But the nagging and his studying paid off and he did well. Whew! Must separate, must separate...

February is turning out to be a fun month. On February 7th, we celebrated Shadow's one year anniversary of living with us. It's amazing how fast that year went. I can't imagine our lives without him. I made him "Snickerpoodle Cookies" for the special occasion. He loved them! I gave them out to all his doggie friends since the recipe makes so many. I think he knew it was a special day. Here's what those delicious treats looked like! You can see Shadow give Neal a High Five for the cookie!

That's all for now.